Monday, January 1, 2018

2018 NO RTW Challenge

Every year i say i am going to sew my wardrobe , not just buy things, and every year ... well.. obviously i need incentive, so...

This year i am joining the RTW fast hosted by "Goodbye Valentino " .  Every year there is a challenge to buy NO Ready To Wear except for underwear, socks, and shoes.

Here is the  social media badge for people in her group:

"What constitutes an RTW fast? Refraining from buying ALL outerwear, dresses, tops, pants, shorts, sweaters, coats, exercise clothes, jeans and bathing suits. Shoes, socks and underwear are permitted"

So if you see that badge it means the person is particpating in her challlenge.

If you are doing it according to her rules... that includes no buying thrift store clothes either (although yes you can accept gifts) the ONLY exception is wedding dress or bridesmaid dresses.

if you want to give it a whirl, but you aren't up to  the Goodbye Valentino version, i made a logo of my own.  so if your version includes thrift store shopping, or "only buying tailored jackets" or whatever... this one is available for you to use (just credit me if anyone asks and don't put your name on it, thanks)

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